Thursday, July 12, 2007

Building an Ark

Or at least an outhouse..

This rain is about to drive me even more insane than I already am! Almost every single day for the whole Spring AND Summer, rain, rain, rain. I know last Summer we prayed for rain because of the severe drought, and BOY, did HE answer our prayers. I vowed never to complain about rain again after the dry Summer, but I just can't take it anymore.

Dear Lord..thank you for curing our drought conditions, but can you PLEASE give us at least a 3 week that I can do the everyday normal things like flush the toilets, wash dishes, do laundry, and take a shower every other day? Just a few weeks, that's all I ask..time for the flooded septic system lines to recover and start working again. Amen!

I am seriously thinking about building an Ark in case we start floating away. Or at least an outhouse to do our "business" in instead of stinking up the house for days, LOL!

Rain, rain, go away...come back in 30 (or even longer) days...


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