My Mom and I spent 2 days playing phone tag this week. It all started on Tuesday. I stepped out to say goodbye to Ashley and Michael, and when I came back in, I had a message from Mom. I was so sleepy I needed a nap, so I put it on the to do list in my head to call her as soon as I woke up. My short term memory isn't so good these days, so when I woke up, I completely forgot until about 4 hours later. Sat down with my coffee and gave her a call. Dad said she was out galavanting around somewhere and she'd call me when she got home. She didn't call Tuesday night. Wednesday morning she finally called...but I was on the INTERNET! She left me another message to give her a call. I called her back and.. you guessed it...nobody answered! I left her a message saying "Tag, You're It"! I stepped outside later in the day to fill my birdfeeders..and..I missed her again! She tagged me this time. Told myself I'd call her after I finished cooking Supper...and just as I was pulling the fries out of the fryer, the phone rang again. Had my hands all greasy and sausage frying on the stove, so I missed her yet again.
Finally, after 2 days, I called her back last night and a miracle happened. No call notes..just a real live person! Success at last!
Boy, phone tag sure is exhausting......
Haven't heard from you this week - - tried to call and "The you know who was not home" message came on immediately. I gave up! I miss hearing from you on a weekly basis.
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