Happy Birthday Michael!!
You Live in a Zoo;
You Look like a Monkey (not really!)
And You Smell Like One Too (but only when you poop in your diaper)
3 years ago today, Ashley and I went to what we thought was her regular doctors visit. Turned out she was in labor already and after a mad dash to the hospital to get checked in, 7 hours later we were holding the most beautiful little baby boy in the world in our arms.

I am enjoying watching you grow up before my very eyes.
Happy Birthday Baby..You're Gonna Be the Bestest Big Brother Marissa Could Ever Ask For...
Love, Granny
Michael, Happy Birthday from Memaw, Pawpaw, Logan, Micah and Molly. We love you and wish you the best life ever with your new sister Marissa when she gets here. Then we'll have another little one to love.
Memaw, Pawpaw, Micah, Logan, and Molly
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