My Grandbaby

Ain't He Grand?????
I am 46 years young, and I live on 11+ acres in the Boonies of East Texas. I am married to the love of my life and best friend Bill, and have a wonderful daughter Ashley, who has given me 2 beautiful Grandchildren and about to give me a 3rd:) I have 2 dogs and 5 Stray cats who are spoiled rotten (they all think they're people!). My favorite thing to do is sit outside at Sunset with my coffee and watch the birds. It is so peaceful out in the boonies, and it just soothes my soul. My passion is photography, and I try to get out every day and see what there is to shoot. I have many subjects, but my favorite ones are nature (especially birds), Flowers, and Sunsets. I have entered some of my photos in the Titus County Fair 3 years in a row now and have won various most recent being the much sought after Sweepstakes rosette:) I recently had one of my photos published in the Texas Co Op magazine for Feb 2012. I'm hoping to become a paid published photographer in the near future:) I am self employed (sort of), selling on Ebay part-time. My Ebay ID is felixthejunkyardcat if you ever wanna check me out:)
He's great! UMMMM, I guess he really is great since he's my greatgrand. I don't see him nearly enough.
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