Sunday, November 07, 2010

Saying Goodbye To An Old Friend

Tomorrow, November 8, 2010, I will be saying goodbye to a dear old friend. She has been with me for the first 45 years of my life. She was with me when I learned to walk..enabled me to ride bikes, roller skate, skip rope, and play basketball when I was growing up. She was there to help me carry my baby around when I became a young woman..there for me when I had to climb 3 flights of stairs to go to work every day..there to help me garden, putter around my yard enjoying nature, etc. as I became a middle aged woman. While she did complain once in awhile and needed some extra help once in awhile, she never failed me...until a year ago, when she decided "enough is enough, I'm ready to go". I kept her as long as I could, but Monday morning, her life comes to an end. It seems like a sad ending for such a loyal friend..discarded in a medical waste bin. I feel like I should have a funeral...

Good Old Friend. I will miss you. Thank you, right knee, for being loyal to the very end....


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