Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Bikers & Teddy Bears

An Ebay cafe friend's Father died yesterday. He was an avid Harley rider, and he was riding his Harley last week when a car ran a red light and smacked right into him. They made the decision to pull the plug on him because there was no brain activity:(

It got me to thinking about something I saw several years ago when I was working at the phone company.

Several of us were in the breakroom, and we heard a big roar. We looked out and there were hundreds (or maybe even thousands) of motorcycles parking in the lot across from us. I're thinking "Ok, so you saw a bunch of bikers..big deal!". What really caught my attention was the teddy bears. Every single cycle had dudes and dudettes all decked out in their Harley gear, and riding in front of the bikers was a teddy bear! They were taking a break before finishing their ride to drop of the bears as part of the Toys for Tots program. It brought tears to my eyes...seeing these big tough looking guys with teddy bears. Alot of people put a Hells Angel label on Harley riders...but as a friend pointed out, most Harley riders are just regular guys that have jobs and happen to like to ride as a hobby on the weekends. After seeing all those guys and gals, I will never put a label on bikers again...they have a big heart just like the rest of us:)

I hope my friends Father is looking down on him from his great big Sturgis in the sky....

Monday, August 29, 2005

Flight of the Dragonflies

Bet you didn't know that dragonflies fly South for the Winter, did ya? Well, you know now! I witnessed one of the most spectacular things I've ever seen yesterday. I went outside to watch my birds at the feeders, as I do most evenings, and I happened to notice something smaller in the sky. I got the binoculars out and looked through them. Hundreds (or maybe more like thousands) of dragonflies flying above the trees. They were all headed Southeast. I stayed out there about an hour just watching them soar across the sky. I wanted Bill to see it, but he was sound asleep in his chair, so I had nobody to witness it with me but the cats, and they didn't seem too interested, LOL!

I got to wondering if maybe dragonflies fly South for the Winter, so I came inside and looked it up on the internet. Sure enough..that's exactly what they were doing!! Anywhere from mid August to late September, they migrate South. It was a beautiful thing to witness.

If you didn't get to see them, wait for next year and go outside and look up in the sky every is so cool!

The only thing neater than that is the migration of the Monarch butterflies, which should be happening real soon.

Note to self...get to Lowe's this weekend and get some plants for the Monarchs...

Sunday, August 28, 2005

I can see the floor!!!

I worked on cleaning the office for several hours yesterday. I'm making progress. There is actually a floor under all my treasures!! The dogs don't know what to think...they can both lay on the floor without having a pile of stuff fall on them, AND you can still see bare floor around them! Of course, I've still got piles of stuff to the ceiling in the corners, but hey, at least it's not in the middle of the floor anymore! I'm making progress!

I found more lost jewelry, some lost rock and roll buttons, about 10 forks that the dog had carried off from the living room (yes, we eat in the living room), 2 pairs of lost shoes, AND my Felix the Cat houseshoes! I may find that million dollars yet!

Ahh, it's so nice to be able to breathe in at least one room in the house....

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Hello, My Name is Angie, and I am a Pack Rat

Actually, the correct name for it is Hoarder. At least that's what Oprah says. It's a pshychological disease that makes you not want to throw anything away. I can blame my Grandma, my Aunt, and my Mother for giving it to me, LOL! Or maybe I gave it to them. Regardless of who's at fault, I need to start a Pack Rats Anonymous group as soon as possible, so we can all start fighting it and get our lives back:)

My first step is cleaning my office, which I just started doing today. How in the HELL did I get all this CRAP (er...I mean treasures)?? I'm either going to have a big yard sale soon, or I may build a HUGE bonfire and invite the neighbors over to roast marshmallows....

I started working on my office about an hour ago, and I already have a whole bag of trash. I've also found some missing jewelry, my missing silver polish cloths...who knows...maybe I'll find a million dollars hidden in this pile somewhere. If I do, then I can buy MORE stuff...oh boy!

I'm almost tempted to take a before and after picture and post it here, so that maybe I can shame myself into never letting it get this out of hand again...hmmm, I just may do that.

Ok...break time over, no more excuses...BACK TO WORK!

Stay tuned....

Friday, August 26, 2005

She Did It Again!!

Can you believe it? Went to that same thrift shop that offers the 20% discount on Fridays for under 54 customers. I thought surely the girl would recognize me from last week. I bought my stuff, went to the counter and she rang me up. When I saw the total, I said "Did you take my 20% discount off?". She looked at me kind of funny and said "Not yet". She kept looking at me like she was trying to figure out if I was under 54!! Geez Louise...I DO NOT LOOK 55 YEARS OLD SURELY!! I told Bill I am going to approach several complete strangers next time we out and about and ask them "How old do you think I am?". If they all say 50's, then bring on the hair color and the Slimfast! Maybe I won't go gray gracefully after all....

Or maybe I'll just make sure I get another clerk from now on.

Sunday, August 21, 2005






Writers Block

How come I can sit down and write two children's stories in two days, but when it comes down to writing the query letter, I am all thumbs?? I have sat here for over a week trying to figure out how to sell myself as a writer, but my mind is completely blank!! I'm never going to know if I'm good enough to succeed as an author if I can't even get my foot in the door! Any suggestions?


Stand on my head?

I'm Lost! Help!!!

Sunday Morning Symphony

This morning I got up early enough to sit outside with my coffee and my birds. I barely made it to my seat before the symphony started. It started slowly with the Chicadee Oboes. The Titmouse Violins played softly in the background. It picked up tempo when the Cardinal Clarinets and the Blue Jay Trombones joined in. An occasional Hummingbird Triangle tinkled softly. It ended with a loud finale by the Black Crow Tubas.

What a performance it was. It kept me on the edge of my seat and the binoculars to my eyes.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Smells I love...

The AC in your car when you first turn it that freon!

The dishwasher when it have citrus Cascade in it.

Fresh Rain

Smells I HATE..

MD 20/20...the mere thought of it makes me gag (it's a looong story, LOL!)

Septic tanks when they overflow

The Pilgrims Pride chicken plant on rendering day...that smell wafts through the whole town and it ain't purty!

Dog farts...they are a thousand times worse than people farts (even my Dad's, LOL!).

Can you tell I'm bored???

Commercials That I Love

There are a few commercials you can't help but like.

The Shoebox greetings one...where all the ladies are passing a card around and they all have different laughs..that one makes me laugh every time!

Geico..Can't wait to see what they'll do next.

Those are the only ones I can think of right now...


Sunday, August 14, 2005

Commercials Really Get on my Nerves!

Especially these:

Sonic...why in the hell would they want to get 2 ugly dorks to advertise their food? It's like they're saying "You're a dork if you eat our food". Makes me NOT want to eat their food!

Burger King Chicken Fries...If I hear that band sing about Chicken Fries one more time, I'm gonna make the lead singer a Chicken Fried Turkey!!

Directv Sunday Ticket...Oh my gosh, don't get me started on that one. If I hear that fat guy sing "I've got the Sunday Ticket" one more time...I'm gonna shove that Sunday Ticket right up his butt!! Give me a break!!!

There are lots more, but those are the most irritating ones I can think of at the moment...more to follow I'm sure:)

Guess I could always turn off the tv.....

Gonna Wash That Gray Right Outta My Hair

Maybe I should wash that gray right outta my hair! Went to the Safe T thrift shop Friday to see what goodies I could pick up to sell on Ebay. They were having a Buy 1 get one free clothing sale, AND a special 20% off purchase for customers under age 54. I loaded up on quite a few things and headed for the counter. I was a happy camper, knowing I'd save quite a bit with that 20% off deal. Got up there and the lady said "Are you under age 54?" Let me tell ya, that really made my day, NOT! I said "Do I look older than 54????" She stammered and stuttered and looked down at the could tell she was embarassed. She said "Well..I just had a lady that I thought was younger and she turned out to be OVER 54, so I had to ask you just in case". I said "Well, I'm fixing to be 40", so I've got quite a way to go before I hit 54". Got my discount and got the hell outta dodge, LOL!

Pondered all weekend on whether to wash the gray out, but I've decided Nah...why bother.I yam what I yam and that's all that I yam!

I'll just age gracefully thank you very much!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Flip Flop Floating Down the Freeway

My daughter Ashley told me a story yesterday that I found blog worthy, so I thought I'd share it:)

She had a doctors appointment yesterday. It was on such short notice, she just threw on some clothes, ran a brush through her hair, jumped into her flip flops and off she went. When she got out of the doctors office, it was pouring rain so bad the streets and parking lots were flooding. Of course, her car was parked far away, because that's the law of nature, LOL! She stood there for 10 minutes waiting on it to let up, but it didn't, and finally she'd had enough. She made the mad dash to her car, but about halfway there, she lost one of her flip flops. She was going to turn around and pick it up, but it was so flooded in the parking lot, the shoe was floating away! She made the rest of the trek to her car with one flip flop on and one off. The last she saw of that flip flop, it was floating towards the freeway!

So...if you're in Mesquite and you see a flip flop floating down the freeway, wave to it as you pass by.

And you WONDER how single shoes get in the middle of the road.........I think we have our answer....

Monday, August 08, 2005

Happy 3rd Birthday Logan!!

Happy Birthday to You;
You Live in a Zoo...

You look like a Monkey...
And you Smell Like One Too...peeeu!!

Look How You've Grown! You are a very special boy!

I love you!
Aunt Sissy

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Happy Birthday to You,

You Live in a Zoo...

You look like an elephant....

And you smell like one too!!!


I love you!!

Aunt Sissy