Thursday, July 26, 2007

The Dark Side

It's official....

I've crossed over to the Dark Side..

I committed a murder...

I killed my poor little whistling tea kettle:(

It whistled and screamed and begged for mercy, but I ignored its SOS until it was too went bone dry and turned black and almost caught on fire. I thought I turned the fire off after I fixed a cup of instant coffee, but I guess I turned the burner knob the wrong way....and my poor little tea kettle bit the dust.

RIP Tea Kettle..I'll miss your morning cups of coffee or hot chocolate, and your evening cups of orange tea..thank you for being a loyal friend for years...

Gonna go cry now...:(

Monday, July 23, 2007

A Great Motto To Live By

Teach a Man to Fish and You Feed Him For a Lifetime

Give Him Ramen Noodles, and You Don't Have To Teach Him Anything....

So True!

Bird Feeder Garden

I never know what's gonna pop up next under my bird feeders. It started out with just big giant sunflowers. Now, I currently have wheat stalks, corn stalks, a pumpkin patch (which is growing all over the front yard now..anybody need a Halloween Pumpkin?), AND Morning Glories. Now I can understand where the sunflowers, wheat, corn, and pumpkins came from because I put out a critter mix sometimes along with my black oil sunflower...but where the HECK did the Morning Glories come from?

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Tammy Faye

Rest In Peace Tammy Faye 1942-2007

You know...alot of people made fun of Tammy Faye (I am guilty of it too) because she wore tons of makeup and cried all the time until her mascara was running down her face. But over the years, and especially in the last year or so, she grew on me. Hearing her talk about her illness, etc..that woman had alot of courage, and the most faith I have EVER seen anyone have. Up until the very end, she never strayed from her faith and her love of her God, and I have no doubt that she went straight to Heaven when she passed away.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Building an Ark

Or at least an outhouse..

This rain is about to drive me even more insane than I already am! Almost every single day for the whole Spring AND Summer, rain, rain, rain. I know last Summer we prayed for rain because of the severe drought, and BOY, did HE answer our prayers. I vowed never to complain about rain again after the dry Summer, but I just can't take it anymore.

Dear Lord..thank you for curing our drought conditions, but can you PLEASE give us at least a 3 week that I can do the everyday normal things like flush the toilets, wash dishes, do laundry, and take a shower every other day? Just a few weeks, that's all I ask..time for the flooded septic system lines to recover and start working again. Amen!

I am seriously thinking about building an Ark in case we start floating away. Or at least an outhouse to do our "business" in instead of stinking up the house for days, LOL!

Rain, rain, go away...come back in 30 (or even longer) days...

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Goodness Gracious, Great Balls of Fire!!

We had a bang up Fourth of July this year. We live out in the boonies, so we get to shoot fireworks at our house on July 4th. It started out pretty good, just some cones of colored showers, sparklers, and whistlers. Then, Bill brought out the BIG stuff. The first one was loud and colorful..we all oohed and aahed at it. Since that one was so great, he decided to bring out an even BIGGER one.

Now let me set the scene for you before I tell the rest of my story. Bill was the official fireworks lighter. Natalie was leaning against the Honda holding Marissa. Patti was standing beside her. Katherine and Michael were in the back of the Honda. I was sitting in Ashley's car with my feet hanging out.

Bill lit the big one and started running. Loud bang..poof...oh crap..something doesn't look right. Flaming balls started shooting out the bottom of the firework and they were shooting straight at us!! One chased Ashley and she jumped into the car, right on top of me. Natalie went running to the house with the baby. Patti was hot on her heels. Katherine and Michael ducked into the back of the Honda. Bill went running right into the path of the flaming balls because one shot straight at a cedar tree and he could just SEE it going up in flames. I couldn't see the rest of what went on because I was pinned down in the car seat with Ashley hanging on top of me laughing her head off and me trying to breathe.

Turns out, it was a faulty firework and the bottom blew out of it, thus shooting the flaming balls at us.

After that, we decided that was enough entertainment for one night. We'll save the rest for New Years Eve..or maybe we won't....