Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Fathers Day Daddy!

Fatherhood is pretending the present you love most is soap-on-a-rope." - Bill Cosby


Relax and Take It Easy..Today is Your Day!

If You Go Fishing....

Hope You Catch the Big One!


Saturday, June 09, 2007


Today I saw:

A baby Green Heron and its Mommy and Daddy..flying from tree to tree right in my front yard.

A Daddy redbird feeding his 3 children. The Mommy redbird joined them later to help in the parenting duties.

Tiny butterflies flitting from flower to flower in my butterfly garden.

A chicadee family eating seed from the feeders.

A pair of tufted tits hanging upside down from the woodpecker bar eating seeds.

A baby bunny hopping across the yard.

A cat I've never seen before eyeing my bird feeders and licking his chops.

Bees busily gathering nector from my Hydrangea bushes.

Today I Heard:

Blue Jays hollering because there was a cat hanging around.

Crows enjoying some overly ripe blackberries.

Frogs croaking by the pond.

Chicadees twittering in the woods.

Starlings feeding their babies somewhere in the woods.

A neighbors dog barking "Oh Boy, a Cat!".

Crickets and Locusts singing their Summer evening song.

3 Mockingbirds all singing a different serenade.

As my late friend Ron always said: