Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Skunk Mating Season

From the 1st of Feb to the end of March, it's Skunk Mating Season.

Watch out for Pepe Le Pew

Peee U!

And While I'm on the Subject of Food....

Why can't they make Peanut Brittle without the peanuts? I love the stuff, but peanuts always end up going down my windpipe, or getting in my teeth. They should make just Brittle instead.

And why can't someone make chili that doesn't burn your mouth, make you sweat, and give you a headache? Or at least chili that doesn't give you heartburn and the farts. I love chili...but if I eat it, you better steer clear of me or get a gas mask in case of emergency!

Dear Peanut Butter Eggs

Why do you have to be so damn good? You come out once a year, and the only place I can buy you is at the Dollar Tree. So you make me stock up with armloads of them and look like a total idiot. Then I get home and think that I'm gonna sample just a little bite of one, but noooooo...you're so good I end up gobbling up the whole thing at one sitting.

As the old commercial says...I Can't Believe I Ate The Whooole Thing!

It was worth every fat cell it put on my butt though...

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Waxwings in the Loquat Tree

I saw an amazing sight today! I was standing at the kitchen window doing dishes and happened to notice the Loquat tree leaves seemed to be moving, but there was no wind. I got my binoculars and looked closer. There were at least 50 Cedar Waxwings sitting in the tree, filling their bellies with Loquat fruit! I went outside to watch them for about an hour! They were quite noisy..calling to their friends "Hey, Feast in the Loquat Tree at Camp Coffey". They flitted to and fro for awhile, then when their bellies were full, they flew off to find a good spot to take a siesta.

Hope they come back tomorrow!

Oh, and by the way, in case you didn't know, I LOVE Birding!!

Saturday, February 18, 2006

A Funny Story..Although at the Time I Didn't Think It Was Funny At All!!

A funny story just came to mind and I decided to share it with you just for the heck of it:) Now I can laugh about it years later, but at the time I thought I'd surely die of embarassment!

Almost every weekend when I was a teenager, I'd go to the skating rink, because it was the cool thing to do. It was a place to hang out and act cool and show off for the boys:) One Saturday, my friend needed to go pee, and of course as you know, when a girl goes to a public bathroom she always asks her friends to go with her. I skated in there and hung out fixing my makeup, brushing my hair, etc. till she was done. I rolled out of there and headed back to the rink to strut my stuff. I could hear this voice somewhere behind me yelling "Stop!", "Hey Girl", etc., but there were so many people there I didn't even think the voice was talking to me. I got out to the rink and starting around the oval. I could hear the voice still yelling and people laughing. As I rounded the oval, I could see something white out of the corner of my eye. Imagine my complete embarassment when I saw the owner lady running behind me with a massive amounts of toilet paper in her arms, yelling at me to stop! Seems that somehow my skate wheels had gotten caught in a roll of toilet paper and I was dragging the whole roll behind me from the bathroom all the way to the rink!! So there I stand, in my bell bottoms and Pink Floyd shirt, trying to act all cool...WITH TOILET PAPER HANGING FROM MY SKATE!! I wanted to sink right into the wood work, that's for sure. Vowed I'd never be able to show my face there again, but the next weekend, I changed my mind and was back out on the floor:)

Hope you enjoyed my story..it's quite a tale:)

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Happy Birthday Mom...29 again????

Happy Birthday to You;
Oh How I Love You;
You Look Like a Rose;
And you Smell Like One Too!

Happy Birthday Mom

You are:

The cat's meow

The dog's Kibbles & Bits

The Bird's Black Oil Sunflower Seed

The prettiest flower in the bouquet

The cream in my coffee

The Shiniest apple on the tree

The glue that holds our family together

And my best friend

Hope you have a Happy Birthday..And Many More!

I love you!!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Happy Birthday Dad!

Happy Birthday to You;
You Live In a zoo;
You Look Like a Fish...
And you Smell Like One too!

Just kidding of course, but that's all I could come up with for your birthday song, LOL!

On a more serious note.....

February 14th, 1938, a little baby was born in Prosper Texas. While most people were celebrating Valentine's Day, his poor mama was pushing and pushing till he finally popped out, and she said "Oh no, not ANOTHER mouth to feed!". He grew into a hell-raising teen, and then into a hard working man.

While he has had many brushes with death (caught his arm in an old wringer washing machine, nearly choked to death trying to eat all his beans before his brothers could steal them, his girlfriend tried to ram him through the windshield of his car when she hit a tree with his car, been hit in the head with high heel shoes, picture frames, and no telling what else, had so many heart surgeries I lost count, had 2 staph infections, glued two fingers together with superglue just because he wanted to see what would happen if he held his fingers together), 68 years later he's "Still Going" like the Energizer Bunny. And I'm so happy he's still here with us to see his Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren...

Happy Birthday Dad! I love you very much!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Invasion of the Goldfinches

If you've never seen 177 Goldfinches hopping around on the ground and hanging on birdfeeders, then you're really missing out! For the last few weeks, I think all the Goldfinches in East Texas are at my house, LOL! Ashley first noticed them one morning when she dropped Michael off. She seemed amazed at how many there were. I think I counted something like 70 that morning. Now every day I count at least 100, but my record so far is 177!! You can't even imagine what that's like unless you see it with your own eyes. A sea of yellow and black, covering every inch of the ground under the feeders. They are one of the most beautiful birds I've seen, with their bright yellow bodies and black and white zebra striped wings.

It can be quite scary when you're outside sitting in your chair admiring them and a Blue Jay lands in the tree and scares them. Can you imagine over a hundred Goldfinches flying right at you only inches from your head?? Kind of like a scene from Alfred Hitchcock, LOL! You can bet I covered my head REAL fast!

I love birds.....

You Know You've Been Watching Too Much Children's Television When..

You wake up every morning with Teletubbies, Lazytown, Blue's Clues, Sesame Street, or some other silly childrens show in your head. I'm telling you, these songs are driving me up the wall, but I can't get them out of my head! If I wake up in the middle of the night and can't sleep, Backyardigans pops into my head and I sing it instead of going back to sleep. Everytime I get in the shower, instead of singing Pink Floyd or something else adult, I start singing Teletubbies! When I'm walking down to the mailbox, Lazytown pops into my head. I'm sitting here right now trying to list some stuff on Ebay and Sesame Street is going through my head. Aaargh...

Teletubbies (oops, make that CALGON) Take Me Away!!