Thursday, June 26, 2008

Things I Have Learned From Keeping my Grandkids

Some of the things I have learned this week from keeping my Grandbabies:

1. A robot can't pee because he doesn't have a penis and balls (as told to me by Michael..he's very fascinated by the human body).

2. If you share your hotdog bun with a baby, don't give her too big of a bite. She will choke and throw up on your pants. Then she'll choke again and throw up on your shirt! Then she'll look up at you and grin...

3. Don't doze in the chair with your Grandbaby in your lap. I shut my eyes for 1 minute and she grabbed the lamp and knocked it over, shattering the lightbulbs all over the carpet...then she looked at me and grinned...

4. There IS a way to roast marshmallows in the house so your Grandson can try one..with matches. It's alot of trouble, but the look on his face when he realized he didn't really like it was worth it:)

To be continued next week.....

Monday, June 23, 2008

Fresh From the Garden

I'm sure you've heard it from gardeners before, but..

"There is nothing like a fresh tomato from your own garden".

They are:




Mouth Watering

and Finger Lickin Good!

Put a pinch of salt on it and

Mm mm mm mm mm!

Now, if my peppers and watermelons will turn out as good, I'll be in gardeners Heaven.....