Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Happy Birthday to my Little Girl!

Happy Birthday to you;
You Live in a Zoo;
You Look Like a Giraffe....
And you Smell Like One Too!

Just kidding!

22 years ago, a little baby was pulled out of my belly after trying to push her out for 2 days. We named her Ashley Nicole, after characters on my favorite Soap Opera. She came out crying and screaming, and she hasn't stopped yet (especially her Senior year in High School, when I had to practically drag her by the ears to school every day!).

Happy Birthday little girl...you were worth every gas pain I had after surgery, LOL!

Can't believe how much you've grown up!


Sunday, September 11, 2005

Call the Fire Department..We're cooking a briskit!

The briskit Bill bought to smoke today better be the best damn briskit we've ever had...because it tried to burn our house down!!

Bill got the smoker going bright and early this morning, and put a briskit on to cook all day. It was going real good...needle in the ideal range, etc. We were in the house watching tv, and I glanced toward the back window. I noticed the smoke was really thick and commented that it sure was smoking good now. Bill looked over and he KNEW that wasn't just smoke from the smoker. The grass was on fire! It must have sparked or something, and it's so dry outside from lack of rain, whoosh...up went the grass around the smoker! He went flying out the back door, hollering at me to grab the hose. I flew out the front door and fumbled with the hose trying to unhook it from the front and drag it around, while he was back there playing firefighter with a big plastic bowl and swimming pool water. By the time I wrestled with the hose and got it around, he had the fire almost under control...and just in time, because it was headed straight for the trees. If it had made it to the trees, or our house, that would've been all she wrote!

Thank goodness he kept his head and put the fire out. Who needs 911 when you've got Bill the Fireman??

We should have a ring of REALLY green grass in that spot next year at least:)

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Only in the Big City

Only in a big city can you see a man running down a busy street with nothing on but a tiny G-string!

Ashley called me last night to tell me about it. She and Mike were going down the road and this guy comes running out of nowhere, dressed in only his G-string! She said he was trying real hard to cover up his jewels, but he wasn't doing a very good job of it. Mike's theory is that the guy got beat up and his clothes stolen. Bill's theory is that the guy lost a bet and this was his punishment for losing.

Sad when you have nothing else to do but theorize why a guy is running down the street all but nekkid, huh? LOL!

Oh the things my daughter has seen while living in the city. I think I'll stay right here in the country where the worst thing you might see is a coyote grabbing a chicken...

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Dear Old Desk

Dear Old Desk,

You've been with me ever since I bought my first computer, and you've served your purpose well. It's time to rest your weary legs now, because there is a new desk in town..

You can now join the other furniture in our Furniture Paradise in the Shed, until Ashley gets moved to her new apartment...then she'll take you to your new home to live out the rest of your days:)

Thank you, Old Desk, for holding up my computer and all of my Ebay crap for years..


Monday, September 05, 2005

Note to Ashley....

Dawn belongs in the sink...NOT in the dishwasher!!! LMAO! You silly girl...don't you remember the time I ran out of laundry powder? I thought I would be smart and put Dawn in the washer. Needless to say, suds were shooting out of the washer and all over the floor...glub, glub, glub...just like a scene straight out of The Brady Bunch.


Saturday, September 03, 2005

Happy Birthday to Me

Happy Birthday to me;

I live in a tree;

I look like an old lady...


40 years ago today, I was born after my Mom was in labor 52 hours! I was a pain in the ass then, and I still am, LOL!


Friday, September 02, 2005

It Just Rips Your Heart Out....

I have been sitting in front of the tv for days, watching the devastation from hurricane Katrina. I just can't believe all of the people who no longer have anything. I also can't believe that people are still waiting for food and water. My God..I can't imagine going through something like that! Alot of people watching it from their tv's are sitting there saying "What can I do?". A local radio personality summed it up very well. He said "If you can donate money, then donate money. If you can't afford to donate, then go volunteer. If you can't volunteer, then pray...together we can get through this". I can't donate money (although I am going to run some Ebay auctions and donate the money to Red Cross), and I don't have transportation to volunteer, but the one thing I CAN do is pray, and I've been doing alot of that.