Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas To All;

And To All A Good Night!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Rest in Peace Ada-Ron

Just found out that a dear friend from the Ebay Cafe passed away a few hours ago:( Ron Morris was from Ada, Oklahoma. He had 100 acres there, and lots of animals. He always came in the cafe telling stories about life on the 100 acre farm. Many a night, he would sit outside on the porch with his gun, waiting for old Earl (a coyote) to show up because Earl was very fond of attacking Rons animals and he wouldn't stand for that! Other nights, he'd stay out in the barns all night delivering baby sheep, goats, or whatever other animal happened to be delivering at the time. He always had his trusty dog, Andre the Giant, beside him. Anytime he came into the cafe, his trademark words were "Life is Good". He lived with that attitude until the very end.

I was blessed to actually meet Ron several years ago, when he came to McKinney to visit some other cafe people. He barely knew me because I had just started coming into the cafe, but he welcomed me and my daughter with open arms and made sure we were a part of the conversation. We enjoyed his company very much.

Ron found out just a few months ago that he had ALS (AKA Lou Gehrig's Disease). It attacked his muscles very fast. We all knew that his time on this Earth was limited, but we still selfishly prayed that we might have just a little more time with him.

Ron passed away peacefully tonite, with his family by his side. He always had a go get em attitude, and I wouldn't doubt that as he passed into the Pearly Gates, he said "Life Is Good".

I will never forget you Ron.

Rest in Peace my friend..there will always be an empty chair in the Ebay cafe for you.