Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The "New" Rocking Chair

35+ years ago, when I'd sit in my little rocking chair and watch tv, I never dreamed that 40 years later, my Grandbaby would sit in that same rocking chair:) The little rocking chair has been through more moves than I can count on two hands, sat out in the various sheds in the heat, cold, and damp weather, and yet it still serves its purpose very well. We dragged it out of the shed, stripped the remaining cloth off of it and polished it up. Sat it in front of the tv and waited for our baby Grand Michael to come over. He took one look at it, went straight to it and sat down, and started rocking away, just like his Granny did when she was a little girl:)

Isn't it Grand???

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Sometimes I Think the Weather Man is full of Crap with a capital C!

For almost a week, the Weather reporter said we should have some significant rain on Monday night. As usual, I got excited about it because we need rain soooo bad. The poor pond is a mere puddle and a pitiful one at that! Monday night came, and all we got were a few claps of thunder and maybe 50 rain drops:( Once again, the weatherman got it wrong.

It's almost to the point that I'm ready to strip naked and do a rain dance. Maybe then God will laugh so hard he'll cry, and the tears will come down from the sky for days. The only problem with me doing a naked rain dance is the two black eyes I'm sure to get.

I think I'll hold off on it a few days, because the weatherman said we are getting Springlike storms Monday...I'm not holding my breath though...