Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Watching the World Go By

I sit in my office, day after day, watching the world go by out my window.
If it weren't for my birds, I think I'd surely have gone insane by now.

And I can't blame anybody but myself and this damn anxiety! Oh to be normal again and just hop in the car and go anytime I please...

Dammit I feel like such a slug today....

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

The 88 Cent Magnets

Isn't it amazing how little it takes to make a baby happy? I went to the store to look at all of these expensive toys for my baby Grand. While I was looking around, I saw a package of 88 cent magnetic numbers for the fridge. I picked them up as an early gift and brought them home to him. His eyes lit up when I showed them to him, and he has been playing with them for 2 days now. All it took was 88 cents to make him happy!! He was even happy with the plastic package they came in!

Too bad kids tastes get richer as they get older...

Monday, November 14, 2005

300 Million Dollars????

The Mega Millions is up to 300+ million this week. Man...the things I could do with that much money!!! Let's see...

Build a no kill animal shelter, so no more unwanted animals have to die just because someone is tired of them.

Buy the 100 acres behind and in front of us..give Ashley and Mike our current house and build us a brand new 3 story in the middle of the 100 acres.

Build Mom & Dad a new house, with guest quarters for Grandma and Papaw to live in..on 20 acres with a big old pond for Dad to fish in.

Buy my Aunt a house, and a good looking cabana boy to keep her happy:)

Hire a gardener to keep Mom and Dad's 20 acres mowed and landscaped, and a cabana boy to keep the pool up and keep the margaritas flowing for Mom.

Get everyone (Mom, Dad, Ashley) a new car. Get Hollye a new car, complete with a chauffer to drive her around and keep her in line.

Buy Micah, Logan, and Michael lots of toys, and a HUGE playroom to keep them in. Set up a trust fund for each of the boys, so they can all have a college education.

Buy Bill as many old cars as he wants, because he wants to buy one to fix up soooo bad.

Buy myself a business to run...a resale shop or restaurant.

Give some to those less fortunate

Invest, invest, invest the rest...

I hope I win!!!

Ebay Sucks!

Bet you never thought you'd hear ME say that, huh? My sales are so low right now. Usually this time of year people are shopping, shopping, shopping for Christmas, but 2 weekends in a row I've had virtually no auctions ending with bids:( At this rate, everybody on my Christmas list will be getting dollar store gifts, LOL! I'm very discouraged...can you tell?

Dammit, I need sales!

Heeeeere bidder, bidder, bidder....

Angie the Disgruntled Ebay Seller

Thursday, November 10, 2005

You Know You're in Podunkville USA When

The Sports section of your little newspaper has a couple of Sports related stories and pictures, and a whole PAGE or more of kids and their deer kills!

Yep, that's right...lots of pics of little 5 and 6 year olds and their dead deer...bragging about their first deer kill. Personally, I think it's sick to teach your child that young that it's ok to kill innocent creatures, but that's just my opinion...take it or leave it.

And one more thing...it even brags that they killed them in our county. I've got one thing to say about that...if I EVER catch anybody shooting a gun on my property, that would be the last time they ever set foot on my land. I'm going to post a sign that says "Warning...if you're found here today, You'll be found here tomorrow"...

Off my soapbox now...