Friday, April 28, 2006

My Gramaryllis

Isn't she a beauty?

Almost as beautiful as the lady that gave her to me...

Thanks Grandma!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Happy Retirement Day to my Mom

"You now have the freedom to do all the things you spent the last forty years dreaming of doing."

"Here's to the holidays -- all 365 of them!"

"To your retirement. A well-deserved reward for a job well done."

Happy Retirement Mom...Enjoy!!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Some of my Favorite Things

Playing in my flower gardens.

Eating ice cream with my Grandson.

Sitting outside on a Spring afternoon, drinking coffee, listening to the Mockingbird serenade, and waiting for the Sunset.

Chatting with friends in the Ebay Cafe.

Talking Ninja Turtles with my Nephew.

Sleeping under a warm fuzzy blanket with the AC turned up full blast and the fan blowing on me.


Watching American Idol.

Pink Floyd.

Kuhlua Mudslides from Applebees.

Taking a catnap with my dog.

Watching meteor showers with my hubby.

Going to Estate Sales and buying more stuff that I don't need.

Salt & Vinegar Pringles.

Cold wet puppy dog noses.

A cat's purr.

Bo Bice.


Those are a few of my favorite things...

The Butterscotch Trail

When I was a little girl, my friend Charlotte and I used to walk up to the local Piggly Wiggly store several times a week. We'd pool our change together and buy a bunch of penny candy. Back then you could buy a whole small grocery sack full for just a few bucks. One day, the Butterscotch disks caught our eye and we decided to buy just those and nothing else. We filled our sack and headed home. We got back to my house and started to pour the candy out on the sidewalk. That's funny...we thought there was alot more than what was coming out of the bag! Just then, Charlotte happened to spot something gold glistening in the street. It was a butterscotch disk! She picked it up and started looking around. There was butterscotch candy yards, on the street, in the gutter, across the highway! Seems our sack had sprung a leak, and there was a candy trail all the way back to the store 5 blocks away! We gathered it all up and stuffed our pockets full. Then we went back home to enjoy our candy feast! It's a good thing there weren't fireants in our area back then...

Ah to be a child again....

Precious Memories Part Two

Eating Catfood with my little Sister, just to gross people out.

Sleeping in front of the fireplace with my family on a cold icy Winter night when the power went out.

Putting on Cookie Monster puppet shows with my uncle.

Rocking my Nephew and singing the Mister Rogers theme song over and over and over again.

Picking flowers from old ladies yards and selling them to the neighborhood for a quarter. It was fun until we accidentally tried to sell a lady her own flowers back and she ratted on us!

Baking Shrinky Dinks with my little Sister and her friends.

Those were the days...

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Precious Memories

Watching Saturday morning cartoons with my Daddy.

Getting up early in the morning with my Mom to feed my new baby Sister.

Drinking coffee with my Mom.

Playing store with my Aunt Kathy (I had a cardboard store complete with a cash register and play food).

Wearing my Batman cape (a towel) and going down the "Bat Pole" (a tv antenna) with my Uncle and his friends.

Having taste tests with my Uncle (we had fun even though he once put some Tabasco on a marshmallow and let me taste it).

Making sourdough bread with my Grandma (she'd always give us a little hunk of dough to make our own little loaf).

Going "fishing" at the barge with my Daddy (he fished while I played with some of the stinky dough bait).

Shopping for school clothes with my Mom (and shop, and shop, and shop...until my legs were so tired I got down on the floor and crawled around the mall).

Sharing hot dogs with my dog Corky.

Ahh...the memories...

More to come as I think of them....

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Happy 2nd Birthday to my Baby Grand!

Happy Birthday to You;
You Live in a Zoo;
You Look Like a Monkey;
And You Smell Like One Too (But Only When You Poop)!

Happy Birthday Michael! 2 years ago today, you made me the happiest Granny on this entire Universe! I love you more each day.

Look How You've Grown!!


Dog Art

I got bored one day and took some weird pics...enjoy!

Strange, huh???

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Goldfinches, Hummingbirds, and Roadrunners, Oh My!

This weekend I have been in Birdwatchers Paradise! It started out yesterday morning when I looked out the front window at my feeders. There were 7 bright lemon yellow colored Goldfinches! I thought the goldfinches had already headed North for the Summer, because I haven't seen any in over a month, but alas, here they were, dressed in their Easter dresses. They chowed down for about an hour, then went on their merry little way.

Today, I was working on my auctions, and Bill hollered at me to get my Hummingbird feeders filled, because there was a hungry little Hummer looking for fuel. So I quickly filled them up and hung them out, and the little Hummer came back several times during the day. Usually we don't see them until around late May, so it was a big surprise for me.

THEN, not even an hour later, I was looking out the back door, and saw a flash running across the back of the yard. Got my binos and got a closer was a Roadrunner! The only roadrunner I've ever seen before today was at Big Bend, over 20 years ago. He streaked across and headed into the bushes, with me hot on his trail. I couldn't find him again, so I went to sit in my hammock chair out front. 10 minutes later, he was streaking across the FRONT yard! This time I had time to holler at Bill and get him to come look too.

Yep, I think I've finally found Birdwatchers Paradise in Podunkville USA...