Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Mimosa Bean Soup And a Mud Pie for Dessert!

I was sitting outside the other day, and I noticed the Mimosa trees were in full feathered bloom. It took me back to my childhood, when I was about 5 years old and lived on Woodleigh Street. My best friend Little Kathy (I have an Aunt named Kathy, so we called my friend Little Kathy so as not to get confused) and I used to play outside every day. When the big Mimosa tree was blooming, we'd pick hundreds of bean pods for our "soup". We would spend hours shelling those beans into a big old pot filled with water. We really thought we were making a feast! After we got the beans shelled, we'd throw in some pink Mimosa feathers for garnish. Then we'd let the soup sit in the sun for a few hours till it was nice and hot.

While the soup was "cooking",we'd grab the water hose and make some good messy mud for our pies. We'd throw some mud into a pie pan and put them out in the hot sun to "cook". Several hours later, we ate Bean Soup and Mud Pie for dessert! Of course, we weren't dumb enough to actually eat it (although I DID eat mistletoe one time, but that's another story). But one can always pretend:)

Ahh...the good old days........

Sunday, June 18, 2006


"Any man can be a father, but it takes a special person to be a dad”

Hope You Enjoy Your Special Day!