Sunday, December 23, 2007

Like A Freight Train

Christmas is coming like a freight train!

We're ready.....

Are you????

Friday, December 21, 2007

I Had a Nightmare

Last night, I had a fitful sleep. Not sure why, but some nights I just can't sleep. When I finally did get some sleep early this morning, I fell into a nightmare. I dreamed that I was getting a lethal injection and my Uncle Wes was the executioner. He put 6 needles in my arm and just as he was about to push the button that would give me the lethal injection, I woke up. I was soooooo glad it was a dream and not reality!

I'm wondering if I dreamed something that bad because I stole the glass from El Chico.

I must be feeling really guilty, LOL.....

I'm a Thief!

I'm officially a thief.

It all started when Bill, Ashley, Marissa, and I went out to eat lunch at El Chico yesterday. We ate our food, paid our bill and walked out the door. When we got to the car, all of a sudden Ashley gave me the funniest look and said "Mom..what the hell are you doing???". I followed her eyes to my hand and realized I'd walked out the door with my tea glass!! I'm sure I turned as red as Santa's suit. Ashley started laughing at me. Bill told me to take it back in and give it to them. I decided that would be more embarassing than actually stealing the glass! So I threw it in the car, jumped in, and we high-tailed it outta looking over my shoulder the whole time to make sure they weren't chasing after me for their 10 cent glass.

Maybe I'll pack it up, put a shipping label on it and mail it back to them anonymously....

Oh the shame............

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Tie Dye Granny

I was talking on the phone to my Grandson today. He was telling me what color everyone at his house was wearing. He asked me what color I was wearing ..and I told him black. He said "But Granny, you don't have a black shirt, I bet you're wearing a rainbow shirt!

Hmmm..I think maybe I wear too much tie dye.....

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Bluebird Bar and Grill

As I was making my coffee one morning last week, I saw a flash of blue outside the kitchen window. I went out on the back porch to see what it was. To my amazement, there were Eastern Bluebirds all over the place! Some were hopping on the ground looking for worms. Some were bathing in the water pan while others were trying to get a drink, which led to several spats to see who was king (or queen) of the water pan. Still others were at my feeders, up in the trees, and on the bird houses. My dog and I sat out and watched them for an hour, then they all took off just as quickly as they'd come. I thought I had seen the last of them, but I looked out 30 minutes later and they were all in the front yard at my feeders and the big bird bath. They stayed about 30 minutes more, then they were gone again. I'm hoping they aren't just stopping by on their way to Mexico or some other Winter destination farther South than us, because I would love to see a repeat performance.

Bravo little made my day.

Encore, encore!!

Monday, December 03, 2007

Winter Wonderland???

Yesterday the wind was gusting pretty high and I decided to take a quick walk down the trail to the back of our property so I could listen to it whistling through the trees. I was walking along singing Christmas carols and the first one that popped into my head was "Walking in a Winter Wonderland". "Sleigh bells ring..are you listening"...

Wait a minute...let's back up here. Winter Wonderland??? It's 82 degrees out here, I'm walking through the woods, dodging the fireants and spider webs, shooing the ladybugs that are trying to hitch a ride on my head, and singing "Winter Wonderland"?????

I think I've finally gone over the edge.......

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Rest in Peace Evel Knievel

RIP Evil Knievel

Another great icon from my childhood, gone in the blink of an eye:(

He will be missed........