Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Do YOU believe in ghosts?

According to one poll, 1 in 5 people have either seen a ghost, or "felt" its presence. I've had more than one ghostly experience, so I am one of the believers. I don't just "think" there is such thing as the paranormal...I KNOW there is.

My first experience was when I was about 8 years old. We lived in a pretty brick house out in the country. When we moved there, it was just the three of us..my Mom, my Dad, and me. Until......

One night I awoke from a sound sleep because I suddenly felt that I wasn't alone in my bedroom. I started hearing footsteps creaking across my floor. I laid there and heard the footsteps going across from the doorway of my room to the big wall to wall bookshelves on the other end of the room. I laid there paralyzed with fear because my parents bedroom was way at the other end of the house. After several minutes, the footsteps stopped, and the minute I saw my chance, I was out of that bed and flying across the hall to my parents bed!! I was screaming "There's someone in my bedroom"! My parents got up and checked out the room, but there was nothing there, so they chalked it up to an overactive imagination. I don't quite remember, but I think I slept in their room the rest of that night.

The next day, Mom happened to open up the newspaper, and discovered an obituary of the previous owner of our house. Imagine the chills up her spine when she found out that the lady had passed away at the hour I first heard those footsteps.

After that day, our ghost hung around the house alot. She was an old schoolteacher, and my bedroom must've been her favorite room because of all the bookshelves, because she seemed to spend alot of time in there. I don't think she was there to harm us...she just wanted to spend some more time in her house. Several times (and I've only told my husband and my daughter about this up until now) I saw a figure that looked like a fuzzy mouse. She was about 2 feet tall and wore a house dress and a nightcap, kind of like a granny would wear. Kind of like one of the Sylvanian Family characters (but those weren't around back then, so it wasn't my imagination). She would appear at my bed and then walk across the room to the bookshelves, then disappear. Now that I have read about the paranormal, I believe that she manifested herself into a friendly looking ghost so I wouldn't be scared of her. Ghosts manifest into all kinds of things, like fairies, elves, animals, etc...mine just happened to be a fuzzy mouse. I was never scared after that, just fascinated and curious about her.

She had a mischievous side to her too. Sometimes, we would lock the door at night, but it would be unlocked the next morning. After the first few times that happened, we would all double check the locks to make sure someone didn't just forget to lock it...but it would be unlocked again the next morning.

One time we were all sitting at the table, and we started hearing a weird sound in the attic. It sounded like something very large (like a whisky barrel or something) rolling back and forth across the ceiling. It would roll baaaaack and foooorth, baaack and fooorth (sometimes for 30 minutes, sometimes an hour or more). Dad figured maybe it was squirrels in the attic, but when he checked, there was nothing up there. No animals, no barrels..nothing.

I firmly believe that it was Ms. Holloman..not trying to scare us out, just making us aware of her presence...

The "hauntings" went on until we moved out of that house...and they continued with the next occupants of the house. I heard (I don't know if its true or not) that they finally had "ghost chasers" come out to the house, and after that, the hauntings stopped.

I've had experiences with other ghosts, but I'll tell you about those another time. Right now, I'm going to go look for the Ouija board so we can conjur up some spirits tonite, because after all, it IS...


Happy Halloween Ya'll...Boo!!!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Happy Birthday Grandma!

Happy Birthday to You;

You Live in a Zoo;

You Look Like a Red Rose;

And You Smell Like One Too!!

In my bouquet of flowers

You Are The Prettiest Red Rose

Happy Birthday Grandma
You Don't Look a Day Over 29!!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

The Way We Were

I was sitting here today reflecting on the way our family used to be. We used to have so much fun on the holidays when I was growing up..but that was before addiction, jealousy, depression, mental illness, selfishness, and laziness took over...and I guess we'll never be the same again.

I wonder if anybody remembers the good times??

Saturday, October 14, 2006

You Might Be a Redneck If

The neighbors newest contraption made me think up a new redneck joke. I think I'll send it to Foxworthy and see what he thinks.

You Might Be a Redneck if...

You Put Up a Bunch of PVC pipe and Cardboard, Cover it With Black Trashbags, and Call It a Fence!

Yep..that's right. There is a barbed wire fence separating us from the neighbors, and several weeks ago, we started noticing white PVC pipe against the barbed wire. Then they put some cardboard on, and covered it with trashbags!

Don't know what the hell it is supposed to be...a privacy fence?? Has us stumped...everytime we walk the trails, we see the ugly thing and go "What the Hell is That Dill"?

Hispanic neighbors with loud music and stinky septic sprinkler on one side, and rednecks on the other side...oh how blessed we are!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving

to all of my Canuck

friends way up North!

Eat, Drink, and Be Merry...then sit in front of the tv and say..

"I can't believe I ate the whoooole thing"....

Have a Great Holiday!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Baby Genius?

Yesterday my Grandbaby came out for a short visit. He was playing with a little foam rubber baseball. He found one of my bangle bracelets and put it around the ball, then brought it to us and announced "Look...Space!". How many 2 year olds do you know that can build a model of Saturn and know that it is associated with space?

He is so smart. He knows his colors and we spend quite a bit of time going back and forth with "What color?"...he points out all of the colors. He knows all of his letters, and he can count to 10 in English (and Spanish and German with Mommy's help). He knows his shapes, including a diamond. He knows the stars and moon mean sky.

I am working with him on recognizing various birds at the feeders. He knows Bluejays and Crows, and redbirds so far.

At this rate, I think he'll be graduating High School by the time he's 10, LOL!

I think my Grandson may be a genius..

Don't all Grandparents say that?

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Happy 29th Birthday to my Favorite Aunt

Happy Birthday to You;
You Live In a Zoo;
You Look Like a Purple Hyacinth;
And You Smell Like One Too!!!

I debated and debated on what to get you for your birthday...

I had to choose between these

Or This

After much thought, I choose this one

Because They're More Loyal Anyway, LOL!

I love you and hope you have a wonderful Birthday

Your Favorite Niece

Friday, October 06, 2006

Happy Birthday to my Baby Sister

Happy Birthday to You;
You Live in a Zoo;
You Look Like a Pink Carnation;
And You Smell Like One Too!

Happy Birthday to my Little Sister.

No matter what has happened in the past, present, or future, you'll always be my baby Sister.

May God Look Over You and Keep You Safe, and Bring You Back to Us Someday. I miss you!


Thursday, October 05, 2006

A Knock in the Night

My airspace has been breeched, and I don't like it one little bit! One little incident can change your sense of safety and security in a heartbeat.

This morning at 5:00, one of the dogs started barking a little. She does this often, when she hears coyotes outside or something. I told her to shut up and pulled the covers over my head. A few minutes later, she barked again, and I heard something beating on the door. About that time, Bill woke up and said "what the hell are those lights on the wall?". They were headlights on our bedroom wall in the BACK of the house! Looked out the window and there is a big Buick driving around in our backyard!I came out of my Nyquil induced stupor REAL quick. Bill threw on his clothes and ran outside. He knocked on their window and said "What the HELL is going on here?". A lady was driving...said her son got into trouble at some place called the compound. "Never heard of it" Bill told her. She said "Well, then how do I get out of here"? She had driven DOWN our driveway, BETWEEN the car and the SHED, THROUGH the backyard, and all the way down to the orchard! She backed up and hit a dead tree..that's where he stopped them. He said "The same way you got in here!". Stupid lady couldn't figure it out..so he had to walk alongside the car and lead her back out. Can we say drugs?? Or maybe just an IDIOT?? Something was not right...they had to know that it wasn't a through road from the clues (A house, two cars, a grill in the yard, a swimming pool in the back yard)...DUH!!

A little too close for comfort I think. Made me not feel quite as safe out here.

Off to find a security system, sensor lights, and a sign that says "Private Drive, You Idiot!".

The nerve of some people..guess that's what I get for living in Podunkville USA...