Thursday, November 09, 2006

I'm Just Mad About Saffron

I'm just mad about Saffron
Saffron's mad about 'me'
I'm just mad about Saffron
He's just mad about 'me'

They call me mellow yellow
(Quite rightly)
They call me mellow yellow
(Quite rightly)
They call me mellow yellow

It's Crocus blooming time again, and that means lots of Saffron. I have a little patch of purple Crocus flowers out in the pole garden, and noticed that they are blooming. So I grab my tweezers and head out there to harvest my beloved Saffron stamens. As I'm heading out there, I got that Saffron song stuck in my head, so the whole time I was plucking stamens, I was singing the song. I'm sure the birds thought I was nuts!

If you've never smelled fresh Saffron in a ziploc bag, you're really missing out! It is one of the most Heavenly smells I've encountered. I could sit there all day and sniff it.

Can't wait to make some Saffron rice...I can just smell it cooking now!

Puppy Dog Eyes

I swear, kids and dogs must really think I'm a pushover! Everywhere I go, I get Puppy Dog Eyes. I sit down to eat and suddenly I have my 2 dogs AND my Grandbaby giving me Puppy Dog Eyes because they want my food. I go to my Mom's and lo and behold, her dog Molly gives me Puppy Dog Eyes. I go to my daughters and guess what? Puppy Dog Eyes from her dog Abby.

Give me Puppy Dog Eyes and you're sure to get what you want...because as much as I hate to admit it...I AM a pushover....

Tag...You're It!

My Mom and I spent 2 days playing phone tag this week. It all started on Tuesday. I stepped out to say goodbye to Ashley and Michael, and when I came back in, I had a message from Mom. I was so sleepy I needed a nap, so I put it on the to do list in my head to call her as soon as I woke up. My short term memory isn't so good these days, so when I woke up, I completely forgot until about 4 hours later. Sat down with my coffee and gave her a call. Dad said she was out galavanting around somewhere and she'd call me when she got home. She didn't call Tuesday night. Wednesday morning she finally called...but I was on the INTERNET! She left me another message to give her a call. I called her back and.. you guessed it...nobody answered! I left her a message saying "Tag, You're It"! I stepped outside later in the day to fill my birdfeeders..and..I missed her again! She tagged me this time. Told myself I'd call her after I finished cooking Supper...and just as I was pulling the fries out of the fryer, the phone rang again. Had my hands all greasy and sausage frying on the stove, so I missed her yet again.

Finally, after 2 days, I called her back last night and a miracle happened. No call notes..just a real live person! Success at last!

Boy, phone tag sure is exhausting......

Friday, November 03, 2006


I painfully wrote my baby Sister a letter last night. I decided I better sleep on it before sending it.

Woke up this morning and nothing has changed, so it'll be on its way this afternoon.

Goodbye baby Sister..I'll miss you...

A "Birdiful" Autumn in the Boonies

This week, it's starting to look like Autumn in my corner of the World. The Winter birds are showing up to spend the cold days at my feeders and the cold nights in my trees. Monday the White Throat Sparrows showed up. Tuesday, hundreds of Chipping Sparrows made their way to my feeders. And Wednesday, just before dark, hundreds of Robins flew in to partake of the berries on my cedar trees. Wonder what Friday will bring?? Goldfinches? Or Juncos? Can't WAIT to see who shows up next....