Thursday, October 16, 2008

Love Thy Neighbors..Ha!!

I feel like the crying Indian on the old commercials.

Not only do our neighbors dump their old medicine (OR remnants of a meth lab) on the back of our property, but now somebody is using the front of our property as their own personal "lovers lane", AND leaving their condoms laying all over the ground! not just one condom, but at least FIVE of them! Can we say ick? Health hazard! What if my Grandkids had come across them and picked them up to see what it is? I suspect it may be some of the neighbors kids because Bill has walked up to a truck on our land before and there were two Hispanic teens doing their "business".

Time to put up a fence, post No Trespassing signs (in English AND Espanol)and start calling the cops every time we see someone up there (even if it is just kids playing by the pond..which is VERY dangerous!).

We thought about making our own signs too:

Keep Out..If you're found here tonite, you'll be found here tomorrow

Keep Out..This is NOT lovers lane..night vision security cameras in use..if you choose to ignore them, you'll be the newest porn star on the internet tomorrow.

Love thy neighbor? Hard to do these days...more like Shoot Thy Neighbor in the Butt with a BB gun....

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Tiny Frog Invasion

My laundry room has been invaded by tiny frogs! I saw something jump last night when I was putting clothes in the dryer and I thought it was a cricket. I went to catch it to throw it outside and it jumped towards me but looked a little bigger than a cricket. I got a closer look and it was a tiny frog..a little bigger than the size of the end of my thumb! I caught him/her and put it outside and went back to my laundry. 10 minutes later, Bill was doing his workout in the gameroom and he saw a frog. He told me either that one came back in or there is another one. When I went back in there, it jumped in a gap between the wall and the floor and I could see not two eyes staring at me but FOUR! Upon further investigation, I discovered at least 4 more behind the freezer! I don't know if a mama frog came in the front door when it was open, or an open window or what? Guess she layed eggs in the house and now we have her babies hopping all over the laundry room and gameroom. They are so cute..Michael is having a ball watching them. Guess I'll let them stay for another day or two since they catch bugs, then try to corral them all and put them outside in the woods.

Life in the country...never a dull moment, LOL....