A Living Doll

Ain't He Grand??
Relax Mom..You Are My Queen for a Day
Here's Your
And Here's Your
Thank you for being the BEST MOM in the WORLD to Me, Holly, Micah, Logan, and Molly, and the BEST GRANDMA in the WORLD to Ashley and Michael.
We Love You More Than Anything on This Earth, and hope you have a Very Special Day!
Warning: Do Not Attempt to Paint With Animals Hanging Around!
I did some house painting yesterday. Everything was going along smoothly until Tom the sometimes overly friendly cat decided he would rub against the door trim. Apparantly he didn't see the Wet Paint sign. I washed his face off as much as I could and went back to work. About 15 minutes later, Bill came out with Caligula the dog to do their daily walk. Cal saw Tom and took off after him. Knocked the paint stirrer (with wet paint on it) off the table and it splattered him in the face on the way to the ground.
So now I have a cat and a dog with matching wild plum stripes on their faces.
Animals...Gotta Love Em!
Ahh Nature..Gotta Love It!