Tuesday, July 26, 2005


After 2 1/2 years, the Space program is back in business:) The Discovery Space Shuttle lifted off this morning without a flaw! Watched it on tv and cried tears of joy (you'd understand if you knew me..I cry when somebody wins on Family Feud, LOL!). I am one happy camper!

If you're interested in seeing the Space Station and the Space Shuttle up in the sky, check out this neat site.


It has "See the Space Station (and the shuttle when it's docked with the station) From Your Own Backyard" times and dates. If you've never seen it up in the sky, you're missing out...it's one of the neatest things I've ever seen. We usually check the Space Station out every chance we get. If you look the right direction and at the right time, you can't miss it...it's like a big bright meteor floating across the sky. Check it out!


Monday, July 25, 2005

Redbird Party at Camp Coffey

I have never seen so many redbirds (Cardinals) in all my life! Ever since I bought a big bag of Black Oil Sunflower Seeds, the redbirds have been flocking to the feeders. I think one came and discovered it, then went into the highest tree to call out "Party at Camp Coffey...plenty of sunflower seeds to go around!", and they came in droves. Kind of like when a teenagers parents go out of town and they decide to have a small party with a few friends. Word gets around, and before you know it, there are teenagers on every inch of your lawn and coming in and out of your house (Holly knows exactly what I'm talking about!".

Now if only the Cardinals will tell the Painted Buntings about the party...that's one bird I've never seen and would be thrilled if one showed up at my house. I've read they do hang out in my neck of the woods, but so far they have been very elusive. Come On Buntings..Party at my house!!

One Determined Little Hop Grasser

Actually it's Grasshopper, but Ashley used to call them Hop Grassers when she was little, thus the title:)

We got in the car late this afternoon to make a run to the beverage store and the grocery store. I just happened to glance at the side mirror and noticed a bright green grasshopper with red eyes hanging on for dear life! I figured he'd fly off of there any time, but that grasshopper was a determined little fella! He hung on almost all the way to Winfield, with the car going down the highway at 70 MPH. Just when it looked like he was about to lose his battle to hang on, he took one giant leap into the car and onto my shirt. Since I get kind of spooked having any bugs crawling around on me, I picked him up and put him in the backseat to ride. Bill said "he'll get too hot in the sun tomorrow and die back there". "Nah", I said..."I'll find him when we get home and let him back outside". We got home and I looked for him, but couldn't find him anywhere. "Oh well" I thought..."at least he tried to live!". Went in and put up groceries and we ate Supper. I was going through to do some laundry, and imagine my surprise when I looked down and there was that little sucker hanging out on the table! He must've jumped back onto my shirt when I was looking for him in the car, and rode inside with me. I put him back outside on a bush, so now he's back where he started out 3 hours ago:) That is one determined little critter!

Saturday, July 23, 2005

These are for you Micah!

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Water Who?
What r you doing?

Knock Knock!
Who's There?
Jose Who?
Jose Can You See...

Knock Knock!
Who's There?
Noah Who?
Noah good place to find more jokes???

Knock Knock!
Who's There?
Little Old Lady!
Little Old Lady Who?
Where Did you Learn to Yodel???

Knock Knock!
Who's There?
Althea Who?
Althea Later, Alligator!!

Ok Micah, you can roll on the floor laughing now! Love you! Aunt Sissy

Die Fireants, Die!!!

I am so damn sick of the fireants I could scream! I've got one warning for you ants...


I'm tired of stepping outside and having to keep my feet moving, even when I'm standing in one spot, so that the fireants don't eat me alive. They are horrible this year! And they don't just build mounds anymore..some of them are building underground, so you don't even know you're in the middle of them until they start eating on your feet.

I remember a time when there were no fireants. Kids could play outside barefooted and not worry about getting bit. You could drop your popsicle on the ground and still pick it up and eat it, without having fireants attack it immediately. We could plop down anywhere on the ground and not have to worry about whether we were sitting in ants.

I finally bought some good ant poison yesterday, and I am fixing to go on an ant hunting expedition, so fireants beware...your days are numbered...I'M THE NEW QUEEN so you better start bowing to me now!!


I am the world's worst procrastinator! I had so many projects I wanted to tackle this Summer...

I'm gonna clean my office and organize it.."when I get a round tuit"

I'm gonna clean the shed and set up a workshop for Bill "when I get a round tuit"...

I am going to plant acres of beautiful flowers so I'll have lots of Summer color "when I get a round tuit"...

We're gonna paint our bedroom and the bathrooms "when we get a round tuit"....

I am gonna put a fence around the front of the property and a fence in the back for the dog to play in "when I get a round tuit".....

But yet, here I sit, on my fat ass, doing none of the above, and the Summer is almost gone!

Will somebody PLEASE get me a round tuit and send it to me so I won't have anymore excuses????

Thursday, July 21, 2005

You Know It's HOT Outside When...

  • You notice your car overheating before you drive it.
  • Your computer won't work unless it has it's own AC blowing on it.
  • Hot air balloons can't go up, because the air outside is hotter than the air inside.
  • Airplanes can't land because the asphalt is too soft.
  • You discover that it only takes two fingers to drive your car.
  • The swans in the park come in "original recipe" and "extra crispy."
  • Hotter water comes from the cold water tap than the hot one.
  • The strawberries are ripe and the cab drivers are riper.
  • Your pool water starts to boil in the sun.
  • The hot-dogs sold outside Yankee Stadium are actually hot.
  • Pigs complain about sweating like fat humans.
  • A scalding hot shower still cools you down.
  • You've been getting hot flashes, and you're a man.
  • People walking down the sidewalk spontaneously burst into flames.
  • A $20 surcharge is added to your bill when you eat at air-conditioned restaurants.
  • The politicians take their hands out of your pockets to fan themselves.
  • You need a spatula to remove your clothing.
  • When the beer gut and big butt don't keep you from wearing shorts.
  • You wish you had gotten the cloth seats instead of leather.
  • You ask your boss for extra work so you can be in the air conditioning as much as possible.
  • You are sweating in both directions -- up and down!
  • It's noon in July, kids are on summer vacation, and not one person is moving on the streets.
  • Sunscreen is sold at the front of the checkout counter, a formula less than 30 spf is a joke, and you wear it just to go shopping.
  • You burn your hand opening the car door.
  • You notice the best parking place is determined by shade instead of distance.
  • You are sitting inside reading these jokes.
  • Your brother's braces make blisters on his lips.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Hello...My Name is Ashley, and I am a Harry Pothead

My daughter Ashley was down for a visit this weekend. She got this wild hair in her ass last night, and when she gets one of those, nothing will do her until she pulls it out! You see, the newest Harry Potter book came up for sale at midnight last night, and she got this bright idea to go to the local Podunkville Walmart at 11:00 and wait for the midnight release. Of course, not wanting to go alone, she conned her old Mom into tagging along. So we get the baby to sleep so Bill can babysit him, and off we go on our great adventure. We get there expecting a long line, and there is only one lady sitting on a bench. We milled around the store for 30 minutes, then we saw an employee pushing a tv up to the front, so we knew he must be part of the Harry Potter release crew. He probably thought we were stalking him because we were following him around and staring at him. Ashley finally talked me into asking him how many copies were available, and whether he thought there would be a big turnout. He assured me that there were 200 copies, and he doubted there would be many people in this little bitty town. Ahh...a sigh of relief. Ashley got herself all worked up and stressed out thinking that we made a trip for nothing and that she wouldn't get her Harry Potter book. She was also a little embarassed that she's 21 years old and excited about Harry Potter, LOL! She felt much better after we started talking to the lady on the bench...the lady admitted she was there for her own copy (she was probably in her late 50's), and that her 83 year old Mother also reads it:) About 11:40, they brought out the cake and the Harry Potter glasses, and told us to form a line. We were 2nd in line. They passed out the Harry Potter glasses and asked everyone to put them on so they could take pics. Ashley and I made the excuse that we can't see without our real glasses, LOL! A few minutes till midnight, they passed out the cake. Ashley looked so excited about her book that I thought her knees were gonna buckle and she was gonna go down for the count!! At last, the bewitching hour came and she finally got her coveted book...she was one happy camper! Came back home and she read it until she couldn't keep her eyes open any longer.

At first, I felt really silly about standing in line an hour for a damn book, but after we got there, we kind of got caught up in the moment. And I told her...at least it's something to write about!!

A night I'll never forget....standing in line with my daughter, all for Harry Potter!

Great Memories.....

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

If you think catching a baby chick to pet is easy.....

Think again! Mama chickens are much more protective of their babies than you would think. We have a Mama chicken that brings her chicks over a couple of times a day to eat the bird seed that spills out of my feeders. Miss Dummy (me) got this bright idea that she just HAD to catch one of those baby chicks to pet. I went out the back door so I could sneak up on them. I snuck around the house and inched my way towards them. As soon as I got close, Mama spread her wings, let out a squawk, and starting running towards me, flying up in my face, trying to tear me from limb to limb. She was pecking at my feet, trying to get my sandal covered toes. Her babies scattered and ran to my butterfly garden to hide. I was running and she was following till I finally got Bills car in between she and I. She finally figured out I wasn't gonna try that again and gathered up her babies in a row and marched off towards home. Believe me...my baby chicken petting days are OVER! I'll just observe them from the window.....

Monday, July 11, 2005

New Hummingbird Game

Guess they got tired of playing "Tag"...now I'm watching them play Hide N Go Seek. One flies into the middle of the Pecan tree and waits for the others to find him. When they get close, he jumps out as if to say "Boo, you found me!". Then they chase each other around the yard, back into the tree, and the game starts all over again....

Sharing Nilla Wafers With My Dog

What fun!! LOL!

I lead a simple life...I'll take sitting in front of the tv sharing Nilla Wafers with my dog over shopping anyday:)

Saturday, July 09, 2005


I'm all for immigrants coming to America to make a better life for themselves and their families, but...

If you're not gonna play by our rules (come here legally, get a drivers license and insurance if you're gonna drive a car, learn to speak at least a little English, learn to drive!!, be responsible for your actions), then.....


I'm not bitter at all, am I?

Friday, July 08, 2005

Yoohoo...God...You have my full attention....

They say God has a plan for everyone, and that he'll never give you more than you can handle. I've got something to say about that...

Yoohoo, God, you have my full attention...waiting for further instructions.....tell us where to go from here....

Thursday, July 07, 2005


Main Entry: mooch
Pronunciation: 'müch
Function: verb
Etymology: probably from French dialect muchier to hide, lurk
intransitive senses
1 : to wander aimlessly : AMBLE; also : SNEAK
transitive senses
1 : to take surreptitiously : STEAL
- mooch·er noun

And that's the truth....pfffffftttt!!!

Sometimes ya just gotta vent!!!

Vent, vent, vent, vent, vent!!! LOL!

Seriously though....every once in awhile, I come across an Ebay buyer that really irks the hell out of me (in other words...pisses me OFF!). If you saw this title in an Ebay auction, what would you think you were getting?

Mystery Grab Costume Jewelry Box..At Least 50..4 lbs!

You'd think you were getting at least 50 pieces of costume jewelry, weighing 4 lbs, right???

Not this dude...he thought he was getting 50.4 lbs of jewelry! I even said in the description that it was at least 50 pieces, about 4 lbs. I think he forgot to read the description before he bid! He had the nerve to say that I was being very deceptive. Sorry dude, but IF you'd read before you bid, you'd see the picture more clearly. Sheesh!! Some people.....

Out of the kindness of my heart, I offered him a partial refund, which I really don't have to do since it wasn't a mistake on my part, which he has accepted. I'm too damn nice sometimes, ain't I?

Next time I list a box lot like that, I guess I'll have to say in giant letters..YOU ARE NOT GETTING 50 lbs of jewelry people...only 4 lbs!!!

Ok...off my soap box for now...

Sunday, July 03, 2005

3 Years Already?????

3 years ago today...on July 4th, we moved to Mount Pleasant. It seems like only yesterday the whole family made the loooong trek convoy style to our new place to see where we were putting down new roots and help us unload all our "junk". Where DOES the time go?

Who would've ever thought I'd end up in Podunkville Hickville Little Mexico, USA? LOL!

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Duck & Cover!! The Hummingbirds have gone nuts!

The last few days, I think the hummingbirds have gone nuts or something. Everytime you look out the window, they are bobbing and weaving around the feeders. Bill went out on the back porch to smoke, and he said you have to be real careful or you'll get hit by a hummingbird! I was sitting out front watching birds yesterday, and one came right in front of me and hovered for a bit checking out my tie dyed shirt, LOL!

They look like they're playing tag or something. One female perches on the feeder hanger as if it's base, and when the others come around, she dives down and tags them. It's very interesting to watch.

Actually, I think it's the mating ritual, but I'd rather think they're playing tag, LOL!

If you come to my house, be sure to Duck...and Cover!!


Just witnessed a Pink Floyd reunion on the Live 8 concert (on tv) and I am in heaven!! I live and breathe Pink Floyd, and to see them back together again made me laugh and cry at the same time:) It was awesome!!!!

Rock On Pink Floyd!

Friday, July 01, 2005

No Naked Raindance for me...

Finally, we got some decent rain! And just as I was thinking about getting outside and doing a naked raindance, so that God would laugh so hard he'd cry and his tears would turn into rain. The neighbors eyes are saved once again, LOL!